Are these GOP Senators in HOT LAVA?

According to my analysis, during a lunching with GOP Senators, Donald Trump said some very shady things about one particular familiar senator, Dean Heller. Thinking about this, in my opinion, I think Trump formed a secret disclaimer with his GOP buddies that they know nothing of. In this disclaimer, Donald vividly states, do things my way or there will be consequences to pay. To emphasize, Donald has many [deep] suspicious connections with certain people that can land one or all GOP Senators, out of a job. Moreover and still important to this, Donald has very powerful metaphoric words he uses that signifies, he means business. For example, words like, I, and, know, together, means you have to tune in very closely to what is about to be said.

MLA7 Citation 

NBC NEWS. "President Donald Trump: Heller 'Wants To Remain a Senator, Doesn't He?'." Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 19 July 2017. Web. 


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