Are you an online bully?

I've had enough of the kind of diet that evolves around what I and so many others call "trolls" or "online bullies". One day, I questioned myself and asked why do some people bully online? Are online bullies forced against their will to bully?  Do they do it for fun, laughs, and, giggles? Are they jealous? Is it a hobby? Moving over from these questions, I believe there are tons of reasons why online bullying occurs. Highlighting this, I believe most trolls bully because they love to watch a person go through struggles. In other words, they may believe they see less potential than what they're praised for or want for them to experience their life problems. 

In light of this, to make the most out of trolls is to transform their negatives into positives. For example, if someone over the internet types that you're ugly and look like a kind of animal. Take this negative statement and, read it as ugly means beautiful, and, think of the popularity and education of the animal. To emphasize this, read your interpretation back of their negative response and, you should probably come up with "I am beautiful like a wonderful and exotic creature of the forest"... You've just translated troll-language. Their language isn't negative just a unique metaphor. 


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