First impressions...

Wow. Donald Trump's first bi-partison presidential advisory public meeting on election integrity was for me, an (omg) moment. I think his first meeting was informative yet unorganized. Trump stated about only 30 states shared information with his commission so far and, what baffles me is when he said, [if the rest of the states don't share, what are they worried about]. Drawing attention to this, I think if the rest of 20 states don't comply with his commission is because maybe, he's not fully trusted. However, I'm pretty sure the remaining states will share with his commission, promptly.  Now, taking into account above, the reason I think Donald Trump's first commission meeting was unorganized is because he had a decent intro, nothing different from any other presidential event, he addressed the issue and dressed it up with fancy words plus a famous quote, and, finally, closing statements that directly resembled the introduction. Furthermore, I think Mr. Trump could have been more assertive on this issue by firmly gathering what he will try to do and the effort put in to get it done correctly, instead, he he appoiteldly repeated what his commission will do. He is the ahead chief of his commission, wouldn't it be nice to hear some comforting reassuring, confident, and, devoted words to accomplish the desired task? Folks, this meeting was a C plus. He was not prepared mentally to tackle such an issue. Though, I'm not disrespecting Mr. Trump but, I will say this... There's a limit to what he can accomplish physically but, there is not limit to what he can do, mentally.

MLA7 Citation 

ABC NEWS. "President Donald Trump full remarks on voter fraud ahead of commission's first me...." Online video clip. Youtube. 19 July 2017. Web. 


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