Will you be a great parent?

Before you even have children, make sure you pre-think, alot. You should be as critical as possible when thinking of having a child because what I see in alot of parents is, a "closed mind". If you think that you are going to have a kid that will be like you, follow in your foot steps, marry a good person, or be a productive member of the world, then that's a sign you may not be a great parent. You must have no expectations like this of your child because your only job as parent is to, love. In love, for your child, they will depend on you but, that dependence will turn into independence. You must give your child unconditional love that allows them to grow into whatever nature holds in store for them and, you should love them beyond their choices they will make. You should support them with honest and open communication and consider but not judge them. Light their way so they can see the world through their eyes, not yours. 


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