Depression at Its Peak

For maybe a large percentile of us have been hammered down and harassed by depression. It’s a subject matter that frightens many minds but, it shouldn’t. Suffering from depression can be a disorder or a means of an average culprit unnecessarily added to our lives. In avail to the impact despair has on the world, I give to you a few of my tips to possibly avoid melancholy.


1. Find a place that you are comfortable with in order to cross your legs in a pretzel-like position and take a deep breath 3 times in and out utilizing your abdominal or diaphragmatic muscles.

2. Close your eyes gently and clear your mind wholly.

3. Imagine yourself in a place of protection and unconditional love.

4. Say out loud, I love you, to yourself and, I am a positive light far greater than anything of the world repeatedly until you believe what you are saying.

5. Open your eyes and understand whether you feel more empowered than you did.  


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