Dogs Plus Babies Equals... babie's best friend?

Dogs are a resource and also very dear to many civilians. They are used in police work to help find hidden drugs, missing people, or to hook and eye criminals in the act. Also, they can be trained to become showboat dogs together with making amazing pets. Yet, dogs are animals, not human. Their physical design and more importantly, their mind is far different. Having this in thought, do they belong around babies? Though, I've seen many pictures online, on TV, and in real life where dogs are seemingly awkward but fascinated by infants. Thus, babies do not know how they should express themselves around, dogs. In similar, dogs don't know either how to extend their curiosities around babies. Unfortunately to point out, infants can accidentally sett off a dog's natural senses such being, territorial. A baby could for example, unknowingly, take a doggy toy by mistake, the dog understands their territory has been invaded and playfully tries to get the toy back from the infant, the baby resists and smacks the dog in the face, the dog retaliates and lunges at the baby and kills the infant. This example is not just a innovative scenario but happens, in real life. True and fact, several cases of murders of babies by dogs are widely common. Children under the age of 7 shouldn't surround themselves around dogs. It's way too risky and things, can happen. However, people such like that of parents, can do whatever they please with their children but, if you allow your dog or better yet dogs build companionship with your kid or kids, always be mentally alert. And so, remember, babies are more valuable than your privileged pets.  


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