Bottom of the Barrel

Since there are different people then obviously the recognizable term, “rock bottom” applies in a cordial and unique way to a person’s suicidal situation. Anyhow, I often wonder can the world become so difficult that it could literary drive someone to commit suicide. The answer is yes, it can. People have it hard enough with the big questions such as” what is my purpose on this earth?” or “Who am I?” We all strive so hard to be ourselves (whatever that is) and just live life the best way we know how. However, for most of us, living life the way we believe isn’t always the best judgment. Did you know per “40 seconds” a person in the world is either attempting suicide and is successful in doing so? In concern, “1 million” via every year engage in suicidal tendencies. These facts are most profound and devastating to a person of heart. In the light of all this sorrow, I encourage many of you to allow the goodness in you to always think of others going through things of this caliber or just in general and try to make the best of their day… In truth, you never know that just listening to someone’s novel could just greatly, save their life.


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