Can They Really Silence Me?

If you research the term, targeted individuals, you will not believe what you’re reading about. In probably the same, a couple of months ago I think I happen to encounter spoken information on the life of targeted individuals and, I must say it took me by surprise. I never knew of such a thing nor did I suspect a thing to be directly related to the government. To highlight the relationship between a targeted individual and the US regime, I’ve via internet learned that the government apparently in some fashion targets certain humans who retain or exemplify credible unusual evidences of a multi-phenomenon which consist of for example, alien contact, alien abduction, spiritual understandings, and so may have you. To elaborate more on my findings on targeted individuals, the reported statements on how the government allegedly targets these special people are beyond expectation. The government is to have in their possession very advanced technology that is born from that of alien origin. This specific tech is said to in one perspective, be able to transition into being referred to as some sort of high energy weapon which can astonishingly broadcast signals of energy that can penetrate multiple thick surfaces like the walls of a house, outside into the inside of a vehicle, and is also capable of portraying these mind boggling abilities unseen by the naked eyes. The effects of these supposedly energy weapons are so rich and potent until they are to not just inflict organ damage but fatality assuredly.

In conclusion, these kinds of weaponry are in fact real but should not reflect fear but ongoing political confidence. The government has not the authentic means to silence its law obedient kin. We must always speak the truth, for all truths are self evident.


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