Rules for pumpkins

It is true that if a male and female have sex that another human being is formed but why is this fact connected to sexuality or even, love? People believe that homosexuality is wrong because of the fact I stated above but does their philosophy make any sense? No, what ever happened to the concept of free-will? Not everybody is gay, bisexual, or straight. Folks don’t need to be in love or be attracted to the opposite sex just because they were born into a male or female body. Who or most importantly what said that a male has to be confined to being in a romantic relationship with the other sex? Well, I do understand that majority of people will say the bible bands same sex lifestyles however; can a book really talk? Does it have a consciousness? Not at all really, and reading tons of words and creating a conclusion of what is right and what isn’t that doesn’t make much sense isn’t helping the world nor is it love. Or how about the notions in which a male is subjected to be the provider for the family, pulling out chairs for women in whom she can do it herself, or liking only certain colors and not the color pink because it’s considered too feminine?

In closing, it isn’t a good idea to mix the material existence of life with spiritual things because the exchange of information will result in disaster which is why our human world is in the fashion it is today.


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