Books are beautiful

When people hear the word, read, they immediately do an eye roll then make an excuse to avoid gluing their eyes to a book, instead they rather watch Netflix for hours. Now, I love watching movies and TV shows like, "The Witcher" but how much and what exactly is of value do I learn to achieve any realistic goals? For example, the amount of time a person spends laughing at their favorite TV series on Netflix, they could donate some of their enthusiasm towards learning about a topic before trying to teach a person on doing something wrong.

My career depends on the thoughts and behaviors of social media, whether that be internet trolls or just people wanting to educate themselves through a good debate, I am faced with folks who are verbally aggressive with me for having the LGBT for a mother and father. I'm a transgender male and these sort of folks always tell me that I'm in the wrong doing for loving another man but have no evidence to prove otherwise. These folks say things out their mouth with no understanding of how off topic it is but swear that they make sense and are very right about what they're telling me or someone else about being gay or trans. I think about this question to myself, if there is a sex and a gender for both the two primary sexes then why is it wrong to be gay? For instance, my sex is male but my gender is female. This means that biologically I carry the full anatomy of a male however; if I were to go through a transition using hormone theropy then I'll become a female/woman, I just wouldn't be able to bear children in respect of the fact that I wasn't born biologically a female, which promises the ability to have children.

These kind of folks are ignorant because they don't think enough but more importantly, they don't read. Reading will always provide the truth or evidence to prove whether something is true or false and it also helps us to discover ourselves and the world we inhabit as a collective source. Since some people dislike to read a book which will give you more details than a movie would, they'll naturally create drama for individuals that are educated about a subject of interest. Actually, some people don't realize their ignorance because of what all they've been taught by with whom had no privileges of learning enough truth or at least the truth at all.

Overall, reading is essential to your ever growing mind because it helps to bring about real progress to sensitive topics and a balance of peace and working progression.

For some healthy food for your mind, please take a look at some really awesome, exciting, yet mind changing books by Alfred Lindsey Jr. He is a great author with such wisdom and power. His books have saved me from turmoil and transformed my old concepts into new ones. This author's books can be found and purchased on I will provide an author link to his books so if you were interested to buying one or all of them, you can do so by going to this link here

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